Free Mindfulness Workshops: Fall 2017 Semester

WHAT: Free Mindfulness Workshops: Drop-in practice of qi gong and walking mindfulness

WHO: Free and open to the public, no experience necessary.

WHEN: Thursdays, 12:30 p.m. – 1 p.m.

WHERE: Under the trees in front of Scott Hall (near Mills Ave) Pitzer College, Claremont, CA

Free Parking: Visitors Spot – East Mesa Parking Lot

1. Bring intercultural understanding and social responsibility frame (vs. cultural appropriation)
2. Water
3. Compassion
4. Comfortable shoes

WHAT IS MINDFULNESS? Conscious of systemic suffering and injustices, we aim to practice loving-kindness mindfulness in a way that creates a more just, peaceful, and sustainable world and does not cause harm to others.

“Oppression(s) do not operate on merely an intellectual level. It is painful and embodied.  We must unlearn internalized oppression(s) at the very cells of our being. While we condemn oppression(s), we do violence to ourselves and others if we don’t bring compassion to our experience. Mindfulness teaches us compassion for self and others.” B. Berila

Scholarship suggests that mindfulness/meditation:
– decreases pain and stress (Shapiro et. al. 2005; Zeidan et. al. 2011)
– changes our brains (Davidson et. al. 2003; Luders 2009)
– enhances compassion (Jazaleri, et. al. 2012)

-potentially reduces implicit bias towards a targeted group (Stell & Farsides, 2016)